MD's Message

It is my pleasure to extend warm greetings to all officers, employees and stakeholders of Power Transmission Corporation of Uttarakhand Ltd. (PTCUL). In order to establish & grow in any respective field, one has to have definite criteria, based on which a company decides to formulate their growth. We being no exception have built a strong foundation of our company upon certain definite vision, mission & goals, which we ought to achieve, on our way to success.

These vision, mission & goals are key factors, as they keep each & every individual of the company motivated & provides the company a channelized growth. They also work as reminders to everyone about the cause, for which each individual & the company on a whole is working towards. Furthermore, they bring professionalism & dedication in every move of the employees, along with providing the positive attitude towards customers & colleagues.

Our journey of success has always been supported by our Government, Stakeholders, Vendors and above all, the ownership of our employees. Today we are recognized as one of the major transmission utilities of the country and now onus lies on all of us to sustain this. Company has continuously expanded and strengthened its Transmission System in accordance with load growth. The transmission capacity has grown up by 224% since inception, while the transmission network has grown by 66% during this period of around 13 years. This is possible only by strategic planning and innovative thinking in our day to day working in an ever changing global scenario of business and technology adoption.

Way forward is always required and we at PTCUL have already prepared the blueprint for the next 5 years identifying critical areas and challenges with a plan to overcome these challenges. Challenges are the part of life and there is also a saying that no challenge means no growth. Few of our challenges are successful commissioning of various transmission projects under UITP (Uttarakhand Integrated Transmission Projects) scheme well within time frame and successful integration of Renewable Energy sources with the Grid. I am looking forward to your whole hearted co-operation in my endeavour and I am ready to extend all round support for making this objective clear and attainable.

(Shri P.C Dhyani)
Managing Director